Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do You Really Need Keyword Research and SEO to Get Sales From Your Blog?

It's pretty interesting because I've heard stories where people are getting sales and sign ups with absolutely zero keyword research and SEO for their blog posts.

And here I thought that that was impossible...

I've come up with my own theories for both sides of the fence because this truly baffled me since everything I've learned about article marketing emphasized onsite and offsite SEO to get the traffic and sales.

My Thoughts on Why Keyword Research and SEO Is Important

Well basically it's these two components that come together that enable you to get your content to the front page of Google. Depending on what keyword you choose, dibs for the top 10 searches for the first page of Google could be a painful uphill battle or a walk in the park.

Also, if you're pretty knowledgeable in keyword research and SEO stuff already, then it's time to have a go at competing with the big boys for the high traffic keywords. If you're able to outrank them and position yourself in the top 10 search results, prepare to be amazed and staggered by the amount of traffic you will get.

And did I mention that sales that follow too?

How to Gets Sales and Sign Ups Without Using Keyword Research and SEO... In My Opinion

I think it all comes down to social syndication to get as many eyes on your content as possible.

Regardless of whether you've done your keyword research and SEO, by just submitting your article to high ranking article directories like EzineArticles, or, sharing it to targeted Facebook groups, Twitter, YouTube if it's a video, or any other social media site, it's only a matter of time before you will build a steady following of loyal readers.

The advantages of sharing your content on high ranking article directories and widely used social media sites such as Facebook is because there's already a large gathering of people there (and it's free to). You just need to be smart about which category you're uploading your content to.

Another reason why people get sales is that their style of writing is captivating and entertaining enough to instantly pull in the reader and entice them to buy straight away.

So Do We Really Need Keyword Research and SEO?

I'm sure there are divided opinions about this topic because I have heard of some instances where all people do is share their content on social media and they get sales from that alone. As with all things online this doesn't apply to everyone.

What works for one person may not necessarily work for you. Also it might not work all of the time so the results could be very inconsistent.

For others, using SEO to rank in the top 10 searches is easy for some but not so for others. It could be because some people may be overcomplicating things, or that they're too lazy to follow up the SEO optimization strategy with the right amount of backlinking (this includes sharing on social media).

It could be a case of doing steps 1 and 2 and not finishing steps 3 and 4 due to laziness and negligence.

In my opinion, I think keyword research and SEO is so important to the point where long term, consistent results and success is impossible without it. It's a combination of doing SEO, keyword research and sharing on social media sites to maximize your results I think.

In other words, you need SEO and the right targeted keyword to get your content ranked so you can get those free visitors and leads. Social backlinking spreads the word and helps boost your spot on the first page of Google.

Those stories that you hear about people making sales purely through great content is not typical. They either already have an established, steady flow of visitors to their site so that they don't need to do extra work to get those sales, or as cynical as this may sound, it could be pure luck.

If you want outstanding, steady long term results, not just a quick buck fix, then keyword research and SEO is extremely necessary.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

Website Trafic Tips

In this article I would like to give you some tips on how to get more traffic to your website or your blog. If you already own a website or a blog you should know how important this is.

1. The first step you should already know about is to list your website URL in Search Engine directories like Google, Yahoo or even

2. You should write articles that can lead traffic to your website Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell cameras write press releases and articles about cameras and photography. Attach your sites description or link at the end of your the article.

Submit your articles to article directories like EzineArticles or GoArticles. It really helps.

3. Join forums and form online communities

Search into a niche market and show your expertise, ideas, tips and experience.

When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass your link on to other people that they trust. Traffic to your site will certainly increase because they know that you can give them what they need.

You have to stay on track whatever the latest techniques are to continue marketing your site. Traffic does not just fall out of the air and visit your site only, you are the only one who can drive traffic to your site.

Also open accounts in Social networks like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook and promote your Site. You will be surprised in how many traffic visits these networks daily.

Google's AdWords and Microsoft Adcenter also provide great advertising offers that are very popular and assures traffic to your site. Although the Adwords program will increase your traffic it would cost you some money.

Video marketing is another Great method to getting some traffic to your Website.All you're doing is creating a 5-10 minute long video, and uploading them to a video site like Youtube. Remember you have to open an account first, but this is easy.

Other than a camcorder, there's a free tool called Camstudio ( that you can use to create your videos. It allows you to create on-screen demonstrations about whatever it is that you're making your videos on.

It will be in your best interest to include your website URL at the bottom of the video so that people can visit your URL to find out more about you and what you are promoting or blogging about.

There are a lot of blog services you can ping. This means that you notify this service, that you have updated your blog or your website. These services then list your new posts and you will get the traffic from them. One good site to visit is This will help to to give a boost to your traffic.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

Blogs Are a Great Marketing Resource

Blogs are a great online marketing resource, with the right preparation. Frequent blogging can create a voice for your company, communicate the value of the products or services you have to offer, and help boost search engine visibility. Blogging is a foundational base for investing in social media connections, and a way to position an organization as an expert in their respective field.

A blog can also serve as an excellent hub for customers to interact with or speak to you or your company. Blogging can be an awesome piece of marketing collateral to help build brand awareness, and drive prolonged customer commitments. Benefits aside, blogging is an obligation.

It requires a real commitment to client understanding. To be a successful blogger you must employing these six components:

Theme Voice Content Design SEO, for search engine optimization Outreach

Theme: When you're picking a theme, think of something that's bigger and better than your organization. Who would want to read a blog that's just about you or your company.

There needs to be a theme that embodies your value, your values, and have that be shown visibly to someone, so they really understand what the value of the content is about.

Voice: Who is going to write this blog?

Some organizations choose to have the creators write. Some blogs have many, many writers, sometimes clients become writers, and some company's choose to have just one person blog, but just decide what's going to work best for you.

Content: Content is king when it comes to social media, especially with blogging. So as you're thinking of content, look to your theme. Your theme is going to be a large enough cover to help decide what kind of posts you're going to include in there for your readers.

Think about content that's really going to give value to your customers. share links about great news articles that may help, educate, or empower their current and prospective customers.

Sometimes content could be things like an FAQ that customers ask all the time, and they become posted on the blog as a way to serve and support.

Design: The design is important to think about, because some blogs don't always live on a Web site. They may be on third-party sites, like blogger or WordPress.

The design should be done in a way so it still looks like your company's website, even when you click the blog link and leave your site. Colors should be similar, the logo should be included, and even things like social media widgets, like the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube buttons; should be thoughtfully designed into the blog to become part of the overall strategy.

SEO; search engine optimization: When you are writing blog posts, take advantage of the opportunity to weave in your priority key phrases to help attract search engines. Blogs are the best SEO Tools, because they are full of key word rich content, the way blogs are construed should be clean, so search engines can read them easily, and when your content is powered with good key phrases in headlines, the content itself, and even links can multitask as a way to help get you a higher search engine ranking.

Outreach: If you build a blog, you want people to come. How are people going to find your blog?

Here are a few ideas. One easy thing to do is include a link to your blog in your e-mail signature,so as you're sending e-mails for business reasons, there's also a link to invite people to read your blog content. Add a link to the blog on your main Web site. There are also tools, like Twitter feed, that help automatically feeds your blog content into Twitter and Facebook.

You Should think about launching a press release. So think about different ways that you can help promote your blog, and get it out there, because if all of that content is going to be created, you certainly want people to read it.

When these six steps are used together, blogs become an online marketing asset to help serve customers better and can increase public relations potential and give you search and social media marketing visibility.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

Is a Blog Necessary for Author Marketing and Business Book Promotion?

Author marketing experts will answer "yes" to this question every time. A blog serves several important functions in the overall marketing campaign. It's not just a place where the writer - or the publicity agency, if the writer has hired one - will talk about the new book. It's also a place that can become very search engine friendly, if handled correctly, and lead readers to the connected website and into the sales process.

Whether it's business book promotion or widget sales, Google and the major search engines love to see fresh, relevant content on a website. (Although we differentiate between "website" and "blog," search engines do not.) Until blogs came into fashion, anyone with a website faced a quandary: How to keep putting content on a website that already has all the content it needs.

Blogging has solved that problem. In book promotion, the author or his or her publicity firm can make sure new posts are going up on an appropriate schedule. Because these posts aren't actual website pages - such as Home, About, Books, History, etc. - a wide variety of topics can be covered without sludging up the streamlined navigation of the main website.

Authors can write blog posts about their books, how and where they learned to write, the art of writing, the passion of writing, writing pitfalls, other books they've read and liked and just about anything else. What is the point of all this?


Relevant content that is always being added to has a far better chance of attracting the search engines - and thereby visitors - than a static website that hasn't been updated for months or longer. Of course there's more to what is known as "search engine optimization" than just relevant, growing content, but this is a big part of it. Online promotion efforts also focus on elements such as the actual design, a reduced use of HTML, meta tags, post titles, navigation, text headings and the like.

Author marketing professionals typically have the resources to perform excellent design and optimization work for their clients. They also have the expertise to create the kind of website, to which the writer's blog readers will be sent, that has a powerful sales message, written and formatted in a way that has been proven to be effective.

So, does a writer need a blog when doing author marketing? The answer to that question today is like the answer a few years ago to the question, "Does a company need a website?" An author needs every tool he or she can get in order to win in the highly competitive book-sales market. This is why so many turn to professional book publicists who have taken many authors down the road to success and who understand the inner workings of the publicity game and the book industry itself.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

50 Blog Posts I Wish You'd Write

In honor of Chris Brogans ever-popular "100 Topics I Hope YOU Write", I'd like to give my list of topics I hope to see one day in the blogosphere. Brogan's topics were more focused around Web 2.0 Tools and technology, but mine are all over the board.

Everyone has those moments when they just can't think of what to write about. Feel free to book mark this and come back to it when you need some inspiration or you're trying to battle writer's block.

But maybe out of the kindness of your hearts, you could mention us?

Without further ado, here's my list of 50 Blog Posts I Wish You'd Write.

Mac Verses PC: Which I Prefer Someone Who Has Changed My Life Why I Picked The Brand Name I Did How I Use Social Media Ways I've Increased My Blog Traffic What I Do Before I Write A Post One Show I Wish Was Still On TV My Favorite Foods to Serve During the Holidays The Best Present I Ever Got As A Child My Top Ten Websites I Use Everyday The Biggest Scams I've Fallen For Twenty Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Blog Things That Have Changed Since My Childhood How I Wrote My First Blog Post My Firsts: Car, Job, and House Why I Decided to Join Facebook (Or Didn't) Blogger Verses WordPress: The Best Host A Restaurant in My Town that I Love My Favorite Fashion Trend From the '80's (or whatever generation) My Opinion of Michael Jackson How I Met My Spouse (Or Girlfriend... or cat) An Event that Changed My Life Why I'm Glad I Live in America My Favorite Pass-time as a Child What My iTunes Library Says About Me My Biggest Blogging Pet Peeve One Language I Wish I Had Learned How Twitter Has Brought Me More Viewers How I Use SEO in my Posts Twenty Things I Wish I Knew at Twenty Five Books that Changed Society Ways I Get More Subscribers My Top Five Favorite Blogs Why I Started Blogging The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make As A Blogger I Wish I Could Change This About Society My Biggest Fear My Favorite Thing About Blogging How I Use Craigslist What I Do in My Free Time How To Double Your Subscribers My Ideal Future Ten Things I Wish I Had Chrome or Firefox: Which is Better Nine Things I've Learned About the Internet My Opinion on the iPhone 5 How to Save Battery Life on Your Phone My Opinion on Guest Bloggers My Inspirations for Writing Fifty Blog Posts I Wish You'd Write

Feel free to use any of these, or a variation on them. They're here to help you.

But, you know, if you're feeling generous...

Whats your favorite thing to write about?

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

How To Create Content Like A Major Brand

There is no doubt that some of the most recognized well-loved brands in history are also the most successful brands. The biggest reason for this is their strong commitment to advertising and marketing. But as we transition into relying more on social media and a new era of distribution technologies, some brands are changing how they connect with us, and they are calling it Liquid Content.

Creating Your Liquid Content

Lets first determine that content is the creation of your stories that are to be expressed through every possible connection (BLOG, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Each story must add value and significance to your customer's lives. Your content is your "brand conversation". It is also what will keep your current customers engages and convert new customers, and as such it should be the world's most engaging content.

As for your liquid, it is the elements of your content (brand conversation) that move freely amongst themselves but do not become separate stories. The fluidity of ideas means that no one model can do it all. The need for multiple connections is key. And be sure to include ideas/stories from brand fans or your brand ambassadors.

5 principles when creating liquid content to adhere to:

1 - Inspire participation

2 - Connect creative minds

3 - Share

4 - Continued development

5 - Measure results

To help with the development of your liquid content you have to manage the flow, define your north star (big impact idea), bring out creativity in all you work with, ensure clarity in your thinking, embrace risk, incubate creative ideas and create a culture of creativity.

World-class creative ideas need tension for them to thrive. You need to use conflict constructively as it can produce outstanding creative thinking.

Applying the 70-20-10 investment principles to your content.

When you start out creating content and marketing, it is beneficial to have a strategic plan. And yes, if you are writing your own blogs, doing your own Facebook ads, writing your own posts and updating your website then you are a marketing.

70% of your posts should be low risk. This is your daily content that pays for rent and is a pathway to the 20%.

20% of your content should be derived from what you know works from the 70%. You should engage with a specific audience but still have a broad appeal.

10% of your posts should be high risk content. These are fresh, new ideas that you are gambling on. You need to be prepared for them to succeed or fail and to celebrate both.

I cannot stress it enough. You need to measure all of your results. You need to know what works and what doesn't work to ensure you are making the best decisions.

So get ready to launch your conversations and to be patient. Don't move on too early. Learn to fuel the conversations you have for the long-term. It is a new world for communications, and you need to produce a new north star and who knows, maybe one day you will join those companies at the top.

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Be Part of the Blogging Tribe

More and more individuals and companies are venturing onto the web 2.0 worlds. This is the current revolution, and they all have the same goal: as people share and create a personal brand they want to be recognized. The competition is moving onto a new dimension, climb to the top in an honest way. You can do so through quality, creative blogging and article writing. Get going and learn the hidden tricks linked to white hat SEO.

Everyone wants to have name and presence, as we all have a clear idea: if we do not exist in Google then you are out of the game. Are you currently writing blog posts for a small niche? Are you focused on article writing for a global audience? As a good starting point, you should write for a globalized society. Note that if you aim high, your blog will be most likely read by people around the world. Thus, people with different dialects, words and language proficiency levels will be reading your posts.

If you had to write a post about insurance in UK, for example, what terminology would you use? In many places, they use different words for the same thing depending on the latitude of your location. Therefore, do not forget about slangs, variations and so on.

Internet access and 2015 statistics

Blogging and article writing are taking over. Well, this does not stop right here! It is anticipated that by 2015 there will be around 2 billion individuals with internet access. Much of this amount will come from developing countries. The more experienced bloggers are familiar with this scenario. If this is not your case, do not forget to focus on details.

What about blog traffic?

White hat SEO techniques are linked to quality content. Blog traffic can increase and should not just come from the country in which it was created. If you focus on rich content and quality blogging, search engines will begin "liking" the content of your blog, the relevance of other geographical areas is becoming higher.

In terms of slangs, there is no need to be well versed in a specific language to learn the basics of using it. Unless there is a good purpose behind the use of slangs, t is always better to stay away from those words or grammatical forms.

Think SEO

Are you writing a post about cheap car insurance? If this is your case, you should make an extensive keywords research.  You can opt for general keywords and a main one like "car insurance" somewhere. Remember to keep it simple! Use basic and clear language. Do not take anything for granted. Do not assume that your readers have the same local knowledge you have. Note that it is always convenient to express costs in local currency and convert to American dollars.

Yes, freelancers, SEOs, and top of the line editors of article writing companies can be spectacularly talented and they deserve a monument. Yet, you need to ensure plagiarism free content.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

How to Drive Traffic to Your Business Blog: Hire a Business Blogging Service

According to a survey done by Hubspot, those businesses that have a blog see 55% more web traffic than those that don't. Given that they are relatively inexpensive and can bring in significantly more visitors to a site, it is no wonder why business blogs has become as huge. Blogs can not only bring in new leads but encourage those who do visit you to come back again. While many people accept the fact that blogs help to generate leads, not everyone knows how this is achieved. If you find that you fall into this group, don't worry, we will clarify everything for you. Let's take a look at what factors are involved with improving web traffic and how a business blogging service can build upon them.

The Search Engine Optimization Factor

How it helps: Statistically speaking, the chances of your site being clicked on if it isn't on the first few pages of a web search are pretty low. In fact, not being in the top 10 can dramatically reduce your chances of getting clicked on. Blogs help to improve your search engine ranking by having content that appeals to web crawlers (the programs that a search engine uses to match a search with relevant content). The sort of things that the crawlers look for are: relevant keywords, blog length, blog format, and the quality of the blog.

How a Blogging Service can improve it: The biggest way to get a web crawlers attention is with strong keywords. In order to get these keywords you need a professional who can find what the hot keywords are for your industry as well as pick which specific ones will gain you the most exposure. Experts play a balancing game of determining which keywords are too general and which ones are too specific to help with visibility. When they are too general you can easily be pushed to the hundredth, or even thousandth page in a search. If they are too specific the crawler won't pick you up at all.

The Social Media Factor

How it helps: Social media is becoming increasingly important in driving blog traffic. A good percentage of our total internet activity is spent on social media sites, and linking your blog with these sites is essential to finding new leads. Brief content can be posted on these channels that peeks your followers interest and encourages them to follow your links back to your blog. Also, whenever someone Likes or Retweets your blog post they are endorsing your content and sending it out for others to read, increasing your exposure.

How a Blogging Service can improve it: First off, a business blogging service markets your blog through your social media channels. This lets your social media followers know that you have new content to check out and brings them to your site. Second, when you have great, professionally written content, your readers are more likely to share that content with others.

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Learning To Blog Means Learning To Please

Learning to blog can be simply stated by saying you must learn to please your readers first since without them you have no purpose! Think about it, if nobody is viewing what you wrote, the time you invest in content development is going completely to waste! Of equal importance is to realize it will take both your time and patience to build a loyal base of people who frequently visit your site! So it all seems to start with composing and posting updates your readers will enjoy and even refer to others!

Here are 3 attitudes every aspiring blogger must adopt when investing their efforts into the content development process to be successful!


When developing any blogging platform the first step is to focus on pleasing your readers! This starts with sharing information or advice of interest or that will benefit the people who view the updates you post! Remember value can be found not only in learning something new but also by being entertained as well so these are thing to keep in mind when you approach the content development process as a blogger! Ultimately you want these people to return and this is your main objective so give them a good reason to do so!

Bull Dog Determination

Blogging is not something you do when the mood strikes you since people are looking for a source that will consistently offer then something new! Posting to your site in a whimsical manner will not be the way to encourage your readers to return! It is important therefore that you update the site with more consistency and maintain the determination to stay on schedule! People like and want to know what to expect and when so help them by posting at regular intervals! This will require a bit of discipline and as mentioned, determination, but when you do so you'll likely be pleased with the results!


In reference to the results you are looking for and/or expect as a blogger, this is where your time and patience will be tested! Blogging to build a loyal base of people who will visit your site requires building their loyalty first! This starts with the efforts you put into the content development process since if what you post is of no interest to viewers, they will not return! Obviously both time and patience will be needed on your part to create something viewers will enjoy and the more you do so the stronger their loyalty will be! Blogging is NOT a one time event but rather it's more the result of the long term effort invested by the blog administrator!

Learning to blog is more about learning how to write in a way that will please your readers and this will take time and patience! By no means however is this difficult for anyone to do however it does start with the realization that you blog for others and not necessarily yourself! It really comes down to the mindset you adopt when approaching the content development process as reviewed in the 3 'attitudes' discussed above! The bottom line is successful bloggers tend to approach their efforts with an attitude of servitude knowing full well their success will take time! With the right mindset and the willingness to invest the time and patience required, it is possible for anybody to build a successful blog!

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

My Brain's Locked - What to Blog About When I'm New To This Marketing Thing?

Yup we've pretty much all been there. Who can forget those sweet, sweet moments where you spend hours, if not days, pondering what to blog about when you have no clue as to what makes compelling or useful content?

But fret not dear reader, as I fully intend on giving you the low down on exactly what it is that you need to do to create those awesome blog posts that will have hundreds and thousands of hungry readers clambering onto your website for a quick dose of your quirky writing.

Where You Can Uncover That Goldmine of Endless Possibilities on What to Blog About

When I say endless goldmine... I mean an endless expanse of topics to write about.

See most people tend to over complicate the subject matter of what to blog about on a daily basis when in fact, if they took the time to stop and think about what they already know, they would be very surprised at how their current knowledge base can be turned into multiple blog posts.

In other words, if you've been studying online marketing (well you should be if you want to have any form of success)... what's stopping you from turning what you just learned into an informative blog post for others to learn from?

Think back to attraction marketing: providing value to the marketplace remember?

You don't have to be an expert to be able to write a blog post on marketing strategies.


You just need to know a little bit more than the next person in order to be of value!

That's right. Just being that one, tiny step ahead of your prospect already puts you at a major advantage!

Think back to the last webinar that you attended. What did you get out of it?

More likely than not, you picked up on more than one useful golden nugget of information that you can turn into multiple blog posts.

So I Turn What I Already Know Into A Valuable, Informative Article... What Else Can I Blog About?

If you are still stuck on what to blog about, reviews are a great way to show your prospect's that you are up to date on the latest gadgets, programs, systems and software that make marketing a more easy and a time saving activity.

Trust me there are a lot of lazy people out there who would die to get their hands on something that will make their lives easier.

It's a goldmine in that:

1) There will always be lazy people who are actively searching for useful software 2) There will always be products created to satiate these lazy people.

Stay ahead of the game and review these products and services before they explode into the marketplace and your article will be a great reference as to whether that system or software is worth buying.

Not to mention if it's an affiliate product, you can earn a good side income from your review (just don't forget to put your affiliate link at the end of the blog post).

Go to or and search for the newest products there.

The same can be said for MLM companies. Go to or and pick a company that you would like to review, do a little research about it (don't be a lazy bum now) and write a review on it.

Target this towards the people who are looking to join that company and you will get the best results that way.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

5 Tips For Developing A Better Blog

For anybody wanting to develop a better blog the focus must first be placed on how the site is structured! Of course everything starts with offering great content but a good blogger is also concerned with the routine upkeep and how the site displays to others! Remember, although traffic is extremely important, careful consideration must be given to getting return visitors to your site as well! Without these return visitors you stand little or no chance of developing reader loyalty and thus a large following!

Here are 5 relatively simple ways to increase the exposure of any great content you post and to build a loyal following when blogging!

Use Keywords Strategically

Any time you are creating something new to post to your site you'll want to be mindful of choosing and using your keywords! Although great content is something that readers find useful and/or entertaining, you also want to attract search engine traffic! Your careful and strategic use of keywords will help make it easier for search engines to find and rank your updates! Be cautious however in where you place these words or how often they are used!

Use Plug Ins Sparingly

One thing any good blogger recognizes is the value of using plug ins that make their site operate more efficiently! Some plug ins even improve the way your platforms displays however it is equally important NOT to go nuts by loading up the site with too many! These handy little widgets often require to be updated and many can even disrupt how your blog operates and/or displays! Select and use what you NEED but avoid the temptation of overloading the site with them since this can create complications!

Update Religiously

If you really want to increase the number of return visitors to your platform you must give then a reason to do so! People land on your site primarily to view the information you offer therefore if you offer little in terms of fresh new content people have no reason to come back! To become a really good blogger you must accept the 'responsibility' that the platform must be updated on a consistent schedule!

Advertise Conservatively

As mentioned immediately above people visit your blog to view great content and NOT to be sold! Many bloggers are intent on making money from their blogging efforts however having too many ads can actually distract readers which can lead to decreasing the amount of return visitors you may get! Go easy on the ads and focus more on simply publishing great content for readers to enjoy!

Accept Comments Happily

Always allow any readers to leave their comments or input when they land on your blog since this is half the enjoyment of visiting blogs! These platforms are actually meant to be highly focused social sites and every good blogger recognizes the value of allowing their readers to interact! Not only does this help create a stronger sense of community but comments are also a terrific source for new writing ideas! Using reader comments helps many bloggers become more of an authority in their field as well as building more traffic through the referrals of satisfied readers!

Developing a better blog can be done by first focusing on how you 'structure' the platform along with the great content it no doubt contains! The 5 tips offer here today are easy to implement and are standard practices adopted by most every good blogger found online! It all comes down to not only attracting traffic with something of interest to read but also taking the measures needed to get more return visitors as well! Ultimately traffic and building a loyal following is what you need to strive for to be successful blogging!

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

Successful Content Marketing - Avoiding Obstacles

Content marketing requires a great deal of effort if you are doing it properly. Remember, you get out of it what you put into it. Your online content marketing strategy is critical and streamlining it regularly helps you to succeed.

Whether you have had your online marketing strategy in place for a very long time or it is rather new to your business, it is important to look at it with a critical eye and to recognize when and where you can improve upon what you already have and learn how to recognize and avoid obstacles that can create kinks in your strategy. The following are some of the most common obstacles that business owners encounter:

Constantly coming up with new, fresh topics: It certainly isn't the easiest thing in the universe to constantly come up with new topics about which to write, especially if you write frequently and on a regular basis. There are several ways in which you can approach the writing and coming up with new topics. First of all, it is very important that you pay attention to what other people are discussing online. This is a representation of the topics that interest people in your target audience. Of course, this doesn't mean that you should copy exactly what other people are saying. You need to take the concepts and use words that are uniquely yours. Another excellent way to come up with fresh topics is through your discussions online with your readers. In many cases, they will tell you what they want to read about, whether by directly suggesting topics or by more indirect means, such as through some other aspect of the back-and forth interactions that are hopefully occurring among your readers. If you are able to do it, planning your content topics well in advance is a great way to never be at a loss. That sort of organization often takes the stress out of the writing. If you come to regard writing as fun, you will be inclined to want to do it more. Organizing your content effectively: A critical part of your online marketing success is your organizational ability. If you are not capable of being organized and efficient, you won't be able to really make a go of successfully marketing your content online. The first thing that you should do (and there are really no exceptions to this rule) is to use an editorial calendar. It is probable that your calendar may not look exactly the same as someone else's calendar; however, the concept of using some sort of calendar is a critical one to the success of your business. It is extraordinarily important that you know exactly what you are writing and when you are writing it. Without a calendar, you are inviting chaos into your professional life and that is the last thing that you want or need. If you don't want to create your calendar from scratch, there are several downloadable calendar templates from which you can choose. Additionally, there are many articles online that will explain which components you should have in your calendar. Help is only a click away. Maintain your writing focus: When it comes to writing content (whether it is online or print content), being productive is at the top of the priority list for all writers. You have been armed with online tools that no doubt help you to become productive and stay productive. If you feel that your current online tools are working for you and they allow you to stay organized and efficient, that is great. However, if you aren't so satisfied with what you are using, you should be aware of the fact that you have other options when it comes to the mechanics of the writing. There are tools for you to use that will allow you to store your writing ideas online so that you can pull them up whenever you need them (a kind of indexing system) and there are also tools that will allow you to "talk" through your ideas by using an auditory function and thus avoiding being faced with a "blank page." Compartmentalizing the various aspects of your content: Depending on your own professional needs, compartmentalizing the various aspects of your content may be advantageous for your ultimate success. If that is the case, there are certain aspects of what you are writing that you can try to identify early on and thus avoid issues at a later point in time. First of all, it is essential that you keep a close watch on your workflow. If possible, you should try to identify where your bottlenecks might be and make sure that your process takes into consideration the possibility of those particular issues. Creating a well-organized and intelligent repository: As a writer, you are probably well aware of the fact that ideas can come from so many different people, places and things. You can become inspired out of nowhere, which is wonderful! However, it is important to understand that if you don't hold onto those ideas, you will lose them, which means that you are allowing some potentially incredible topics to slip through your fingers. What a waste that would be. You can create a file for ideas and store them or you can use any number of online tools that have been created specifically for that purpose. Streamlining your process: After you have written your content and your next step is syndicating it to your various social media channels and groups within those channels, you can easily automate either some or all of the process. The more you can syndicate, the more you will have time to work on other valuable aspects of your business. Because of the volume of available content online, the sooner you get your content to your readers (as well as getting the content to as many readers as possible), the more you and your business will start to hold the position of top of mind for your readers.


"Content Is King" but once you are ready to share your wonderful content with other people, it is important for you to recognize the potential of obstacles that can get in the way of your success and do everything possible to get around them. You start with excellent-quality writing and reach the finish line in the most effective and most direct way possible. As was already discussed, you can draw inspiration from many different places. It is just a matter of what you do with that inspiration. If your communication technique is good enough, you won't encounter obstacles that will stop you from doing what you want and need to do.

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3 Components Of A Great Blog Post

Composing a great blog post starts with keeping your focus on satisfying your readers! It is vitally important to remember there is a seemingly infinite amount of other blogs to read online so your priority is to keep visitors happy! In fact failure to maintain your focus on what people what to see when composing new updates can very well result in wasting both your time and effort! I doubt you'd want to waste either!

Let's have a look at 3 important components you'll want to be mindful of when posting updates to keep your readers happy and coming back!

Avoid 'Personal' Interests

Following your own passion works well for the sake of helping you keep your focus however if your readers aren't interested you're wasting time! Choose a topic that holds interest for others and avoid trying to get these people interested in personal passions of yours since this won't work! Remember there are plenty of blogs to read on the internet so if what you offer is NOT what people are looking for, kiss them goodbye!

Know of What You Speak

Research is vitally important and something a good blogger does daily! Whether you're looking for material to write about or are checking facts and figures, research plays a very important role in your success! Credibility is where it's at when it comes to being considered a good blogger and delivering accurate information is the best start!

Add a Dose of You

Whether you inject humor, perspectives or opinions allow your personal 'reactions' to flow as you compose any new updates! Everybody has a unique view as well as their own unique way of delivering both the subject matter and their personal views! Do not fight but rather embrace the urge to be simply YOU when composing updates! Many people are especially attracted to HOW the content is delivered and even use this 'criteria' when choosing what blogs to read so go ahead and unleash a little personality! This will always help you stand out from the rest!

The best place to start when composing any great blog post is to be especially mindful of what it is your readers want! One of the best ways to determine this is by visiting forums and finding other blogs to read that concentrate on the same topic as yours! Listen to what people are saying and/or asking to give you the best idea of what your focus needs to be on when writing content! The 3 components discussed above need to be included or at least considered every time you author any new updates! Remember if you want to attract and retain visitors, what you offer needs to appeal to them and not simply reflect a personal interest of yours! And for heavens sake always check to be sure what you are ready to publish contains fact and as already mentioned, a little bit of 'personality' when appropriate!

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

What Are The Best Blogging Sites?

Anyone wishing to establish a web presence as being THE authority in a specific business area has to consistently, and frequently, publish high quality content on the Internet. The best method toward accomplishing this is to learn how to start a blog.

Find the Best Tools

Therefore, publishing fresh and top-quality content requires the most effective tools that can be found. This includes locating the best spots on the Internet to place a blog where it can be found, easily read and direct traffic to your business site. Any business seeking a free platform that is also easy-to-set-up and maintain where within a few short minutes the blog can be up and running, consider taking a look at either WordPress or Blogger. There are others but these two are the best of choices.

Using WordPress

Many people confuse with The second reference is the site where the CMS (Content Management System) can be downloaded. It is what is referred to as "Open Source" software that is used to create a blog or a full website. This software needs to be installed on a website host and includes all the necessary instructions about how to create a blog. In fact, is a hoist where the very software found on site is put to use. It is quite easy to set up a personal or business blog site at However, the major drawback is the inability to use customized site themes. Additionally, the.PHP code that "creates" the look and function is not capable for modification. Plus, the many available plug-ins that help enhance a site's appearance and functionality cannot be installed.

Choose a Paid-For Host

In order to use all the great enhancements available for WordPress, users can elect to purchase hosting. A minimal investment well below $100 per year can allow users to explore all the creative advantages employing WordPress.

Blogger Offers Diversified Enhancements

The free hosting site has changed greatly since its initial launch in 1999. New templates are now available that offer upbeat styling that can be easily customized. Users also have great functionality employing integrated search methods. Social Media share buttons are easily installed connecting to Google+, Twitter and Facebook. Users seeking to display large images will find a view option - Magazine - an important tool for presenting bigger images along with text. Other features include linking to a Google account where analytics set-up for your business account can be accessed. This allows blog users to view statistics revealing the number of page and post visits as well as where this traffic originated.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

Things to Look For in an SEO Expert

Search engine optimization encompasses simple on-page optimization techniques as well as complicated link building procedure and promotion via online social networks. SEO expert therefore needs to be equipped with specialized knowledge and should know how to implement all the latest tips and tricks. Nowadays companies hire outside SEO consultants or assign the job to an in-house employee who has a basic understanding of web development and knows how to write great keyword-oriented content. A competent SEO specialist needs to have certain abilities or qualifications, which are listed below.

1. Experience SEO is something that can improve a website's ranking in search engines in a few days if done correctly. Because of this reason, some people consider it a very simple job and overlook the importance of experience. When hiring an SEO consultant, find out about their experience in this particular field and if possible ask them to produce a portfolio.

2. SEO Know-How A good SEO expert would know all the steps of search engine optimization. These include on-page techniques as well as off-page optimization steps like article marketing, link building tactics, social bookmarking, RSS and press release submission, and comment posting, etc. Your SEO specialist should be equipped with sufficient knowledge regarding all these areas.

3. No Spam If you are hiring an SEO consultant firm, make sure they don't use any spamming methods to attract customers. There should be a proper interface explaining their services in detail and professional communication style and friendly customer services staff. You can judge their SEO efforts by looking at their website and how they promote their services online.

4. Testimonials Customer reviews and testimonials are important that represent an individual's reliability and quality of work. An SEO expert should be able to produce a couple of good testimonials from previous clients who have tried their services and are happy with them.

5. Out-of-the-Box Thinking Perspective Any SEO individual or firm should be able to provide customized SEO services. This means they are able to think out of the box and discard age-old practices that do not work in the current competitive world. Moreover, your SEO expert should be able to introduce practices that are particularly useful for your website and are likely to bring positive results in a short span of time.

These are some of the points you should keep in mind when hiring an SEO consultant. Remember that simple SEO techniques can be implemented by anyone, but you need someone who is equipped with specialized knowledge on the subject, a proven track record of SEO success, and years of experience in the field.

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog   How to Make Money With Product Blogging   

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